Monday, November 3, 2008

Day One and Two (October 23rd-24th)

Well, today started out on an interesting note.. I woke up early and started showering and putting my last minute supplies in my bags, pretty typical for a day of traveling. A very unpleasant surprise occurred.. Griff came in from outside to share with me that his van had been broken into. Oh, what a wonderful way to start the day.. a broken out window. Satan was already working hard trying to dampen something beautiful. I was proud of Griff. He was all about business and got things taken care of with his van before I even left the ground, new window and all.

We left MCI at 11:00am, headed first to Minneapolis(1.5hrs), next stop Tokyo(12hrs), next stop Manila(4hrs), next stop Bohol, Philippines(1hr). I have to say, traveling was not nearly as bad as I thought it would be. I sat next to Nancy, Babbette, and Sharon from Minneapolis to Tokyo. It was so much fun to spend that time with these ladies and develope a friendship. They are awesome! I was so comforted to learn that these women are all believers in Christ! I share a common goal and a common heart. Thank you Jesus for that gift!

When we arrived in Manilla it was almost midnight and we were all immediately shuttled off to a hotel for a night of rest before heading to Bohol early the next morning. Sue, Mona and I shared a room. It was an interesting night for sure! It was midnight there and noon in K.C. Of course my body still functions on K.C. time. Mona fell asleep quickly. I layed in bed forever, staring at the dark ceiling and walls.. trying to figure out how to pass time. I finally got up to use the restroom and Sue was quick to share with me she couldn't sleep either. We've laughed many times about that night now. We would occassionally whisper "Are you still awake?" "Yes, I am wide awake!" We were beside ourselves..waiting for 4:45am to hit so we could turn the lights on and get ready!

The alarm finally rang loud.. and so ends the first couple days of adventure..

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