Monday, October 20, 2008

The time has finally come..

It's Monday night, three days until I leave with the team for the Philippines. I am traveling with Drs. Milton and Trudi Grin on an Ophthalmology medical mission. I will be helping Dr. Milton in the OR with cataract surgeries. Next Monday at this time, I will be in surgery. I am so excited! We were short on doctors at the office today so I was able to stay home and get ready for the trip. It's funny how fast the day goes by when your at home! I feel like I got a good start on my packing, but I'm not quite finished. I was able to spend some time with Katie Cawley this morning. It was so perfect because she has also gone to the Philippines on a medical mission. She was very kind to let me pick her brain. I am so thankful for our visit because she helped to calm my nerves and make me all the more excited for my upcoming adventure. Katie, I am very excited to try some lemonsito water! Alrighty, I just wanted to let everyone know that I am hoping to be able to get to an Internet cafe periodically throughout my travels. I want to be able to communicate with my family and friends. So, I will blog and please feel free to email or send me messages on the blog. Thank you to everyone who has already been praying for me and this mission! Please continue your prayers for safety. Also, please pray that I will be bold and courageous with opportunities to share my faith. Please pray that I am an example of Christ to my team members and to the Filipinos.

Until then.. Eek.. I will probably be in an Internet cafe next time I am blogging. Crazy!

P.S. I've only traveled as far as Mexico until this trip. I have had some nerves.. But all is and will continue to be, very well!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

can't wait to hear all about it!