Saturday, July 19, 2008

A Hope-filled Update!

So much has happened since my last post!.. Where to begin?? First of all, Praise God for the wonderful path that He has provided for us here in K.C. We are absolutely loving our lives! I can't even count the number of times that we have expressed our happiness out loud to each other over the last few months.
Griff started a new job with a company called High Rez Distributions in March. It is a wholesale distributorship for high-end electronics. He holds a sales position, but is mostly working with reps throughout the day. He seems to be pretty happy and is very excited to grow within the company. I sure love to see my husband happy!
Our favorite development is that we are overflowingly happy about our church! A friend of Griff's from Kanukuk Kamp, Kevin Cawley, just planted a new church in Westport on June 8th. The church is held in an old historic church building. For the last 50 plus years the building has been the site of First Calvary Baptist, but it now holds the name Redeemer Fellowship. Griff and I have never felt more home at a church, together or as individuals. This particular part of my life is by far the most hope-filled! There are so many young couples that we have already met and so many more that we will meet! We have the best community of believers just 3 minutes away!! Yep, that's how long it takes us to get to church! Griff and I are both overwhelmed with joy as we continue to develope relationships within the church. It is truly beautiful and we count this as such an unbelievable blessing!
Another new development is that we have finally set up camp in our own home. A million thanks to Der and Deb, my mom and dad, for letting us stay with them while we searched for a home! They were extremely gracious! Griff and I found a cute and quaint little apartment at 43rd and Gillham Rd. in midtown Kansas City. The area is actually considered Old Hyde Park. We love our home! I have to be honest, it makes me a little bit gitty to think that I live here! I feel like a little girl playing house. My mom is doing her normal thing of being awesome and helping me to decorate. We are indeed having fun! I think our little Klassy girl likes her new home too.
Thank you to anyone that has been praying for Griff and I as we have been finding our place in K.C. We are so thankful to have so many people in our lives that truly care about our happiness. May God bless you all richly!