Thursday, November 6, 2008

Day Four (October 26th)

Today started very early for me! Several group members had plans to leave at 5am and boat out to see dolphins. I chose not to participate because I tend to get severe motion sickness on the ocean. As beautiful as dolphins are, I didn't want to ruin the trip for the others. My roommate was up and at 'em at 4:30am.. I woke as she was getting ready and much to my dismay, I could not fall back to sleep. I eventually gave in and decided to embrace the day. I was able to enjoy the pool terrace, a gorgeous cup of coffee and quiet time with my Jesus. I have to say the view was very inspirational. Truly though, It was precious time that I will remember forever.
At 9:30am, I went with Drs. Milton and Trudi Grin to Ramiro Community Hospital to see a few patients pre-operatively and to begin organizing all of the supplies that we had shipped months before. This time was unexpectedly enjoyable for me.. I had the opportunity to work with Dr. Trudi, a Pediatric ophthalmologist, and see some little kiddos. This is not something that I get to do very often, so I embraced this time! These children were so precious! There little eyes were turned in or out and this is all they've ever known. It just made my heart so full to think that we were there to give them the beautiful gift of eye muscle surgery. One of the patients was a fifteen year old, beautiful girl named AnnaFe(featured in the blog, entry for 10/28). She moved me especially because of the tears of joy she shed when Dr. Trudi officially told her that she would indeed have surgery on Tuesday.. it was really gonna happen. We teased her about all the boyfriends she would be fighting off.. she just laughed. Eventually, the day turned into a big organizing of surgical supplies party. It was quite the project! Midday, we enjoyed a lunch at the Bohol Bee Farm. This was the most beautiful place, with the freshest and most delicious food! They served a seafood soup that was maybe the best soup I've ever had! Delicious!( After lunch, we returned to the hospital for about another hour or so and then we returned to the Peacock for a little siesta. One of my favorite new friends from the trip, Phyllis Vanhorn, was celebrating her birthday on this particular day, so we had to have a special evening. Our dinner was at Bohol Tropics. The food was honestly a little just didn't set too well with me, but there was live music.. so that was alot of fun! On an interesting note, we experienced alot of live music throughout this trip and it always consisted of 80's rock ballads and typical wedding reception songs. I have to say, the Filipinos are unbelievably musically talented! We ended the outing with a few dances and birthday cake! It was a wonderful time! Happy birthday Phyllis!!

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