Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Internet still down.. We met our Littles!

Hello friends.. As you can see, I have not been able to continue my posts. Griff and I are trying to figure out what is happening with our internet. We know for sure that is is not being friendly. Soon and very soon.. we are trying to trouble shoot.

I wanted to make sure and let everyone know that Griff and I met our Littles last night!! They are awesome! They were very enthusiastic about us and being part of the program. I am very excited for what the future holds.. Griff's Little is an 8 yr old boy named Ivory. My Little is a 10 yr old girl named Michaela. Both Littles are absolutely beautiful on the inside and out! Griff and I were just exploding with joy throughout the evening! We took out Littles to Denny's for dinner..there choice. Who doesn't love breakfast for dinner?? Anyway, Griff andI definitely feel like we have new family members. Life is so good! Please keep us in your prayers. We want to be the Bigs that these precious Littles need.


Unknown said...

does this make me a new auntie? i certainly hope that we get to meet them one day. Can't wait to see you all on friday as I pass thru for a visit on my way to NE.

Anonymous said...

I was just looking on Becca's blog and saw your name, I didn't know you had a blog! ours is Hope you guys are great. We are coming to the Lake in a few weeks, hope to see you guys then. I am reading your blog and you sound wonderful, I am so happy fo ryou guys!