Wednesday, February 27, 2008

It's time to move..

Well, I figure I should go ahead and give an official up date for what is happening in Griff and I's life.. We have been married for 1 year and almost 4 months. We have lived at the Lake of the Ozarks for the duration of our marriage. It has been a roller coaster of a ride! I could give a play by play of the highs and lows, but that's not what is important. What is important is that we are coming out of the last year with maturity and maybe, finally, a little bit of grace. Thank you Jesus for trials and tribulations. I don't mean to sound so hokie pokie, but those tris and tribs sure shed a new light on life and reality. I don't mind a little perspective. As a matter of fact, I love my life perspective right now. I have never felt more alive and thankful for the beautiful things that this world does offer. Here's a recent personal example, a couple days a go I was assisting a doctor that I work for. We were trying to complete an eye exam and we were continually interrupted by a precious little seven year old chinese girl with a mild form of downs syndrome. This little girl was so sweet and well mannered.. her interruptions were the constant sounds of "sshhh" to her mother, who was interpreting for the patient, an elderly Chinese woman. The little girl kept reminding her mother that she needed to be quiet because they were in the doctor's office and the doctor needs to talk. In those moments, in that exam room, life was poignantly beautiful! This little girl just screamed innocence and joy. This innocence and joy was contagious. As I share this story with you, it brings me to a new life development for Griff and I, a development that we are very hopeful about! We are officially moving back to K.C. I am taking my job back with Dr. Grin full time, and Griff is on the hunt for a new job. Thank you to everyone that has been praying for us. God has transformed our lives and we are so hopeful and excited for the future! We have both been toucheed by God and His angels this past year and we just hope that we can now return the favor. We pray for innocence and joy and may it be truly contagious.